I’m a game developer and a game engine hobbyist. I’m working in the industry for 4+ years, and I would like to share my knowladge and experience here and there in this website and some other platforms.
I’m also a passionate gamer who enjoys both hanging out with friends and following an adventure on singleplayer. Some of my favorite games includes: Age of Mythology, Project Zomboid, Prince of Persia, Dying Light, Mount & Blade, Hades, Dead Cells, RDR 2, Cities Skylines, Detroit: Become Human, …
I worked a bit on/with everything.
- Unreal Engine 4 & 5
- Slate
- Gameplay Programming
- Editor Tooling
- Plugins
- Basic Material Programming
- Basic Animation Programming
- Basic AI Programming
- C++
- Source Control Systems
- Github
- Perforce
As a hobby/side project:
- Game Engines & 3D applications
- Basic OpenGL
- Basic Vulkan
- entt (entity component system)
- ImGui & ImGuizmo
- stb libraries
- glm
- Build Systems
- CMake
- Premake
- Custom build system built on top of CMake (work in progress)
- Jekyll & Github Pages (which this site built on)
- Basic Discord Bot Programming
- Basic Chrome extensions
- Basic Arduino Programming
- Basic Game Modding
- And a bit more but list is starting to be too long…